viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2015

An order of prayer

As everyone knows, we are Christmas. While life is not easy, it is not just for one person, it is for everyone. God knows what you're going through, know what we are facing, and everyone knows what will happen in your life. You understand and comprehend that we are weak, and often let us stop beating, but he is there. Hoping that you approach, and talk. You admit that you're not invincible, you need it more than ever.

 Today, many conflicts occur. Why? By greed there is in men, the desire for control, power, always lead men to fight for it. But children, tell me, children, do they deserve to go through what they are currently going on?

Do not just look at the news and have compassion for them. We must do something about it.

Psalm 37: 4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Let's pray. Pray for all of us, for these children, who may not know what is happening in the world. Pray that have a future. Pray, having faith that God is listening, and will not have wasted our prayers.
Always repenting and asking for forgiveness for our sins, striving to not give in to sin, and is proud of us.
Also remember that above all the will of God be done, just as he knew what he was doing when he created the earth, making it perfect,he knows why he does things.

God bless you this Christmas, and give you peace and blessing in their lives. That which is full of infinite love.

Merry Christmas!

Luke 2:11 ".. unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord"

Mary is reported and outside.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Christmas, should we celebrate?

Now coming the day that is remembered around the world the birth of Jesus, we could use to investigate the origin of this festival.
Today, many Christians still debate whether we should celebrate Christmas, because it originated in paganism. However, others argue with various arguments that do not have any bad celebrate.
Consider several points:
1) Was he born on December 25th?
Those who have read the Bible will have seen that nowhere mentions the day Jesus was born, therefore, can not say he was born on December 25. Moreover, it is believed by the following verse (John 2: 8) was born between September and October.

2) Why do they say that Christmas has pagan origin?
Before it was decided that December 25 would be Christmas, in the reign of Emperor Constantine, by the fourth century, in Rome, the official religion was changed to Christianity. The Romans celebrated a feast in honor of their god Mithra (Saturnalia festival), where it was customary to give gifts, and also be suspended for the work was cause for celebration. But to change the official religion of Rome, the Romans adapted this event, and many no longer see the difference between the Saturnalia Festival and Christmas.

Another argument used by those who believe that we should not celebrate Christmas, because in the pagan festival, also candles, bells, the typical Christmas tree and gifts were used also occurred, while others say that the candles represent the light that is Jesus Christ, tree star to star of Bethlehem, and give gifts to the Magi offered myrrh, frankincense and gold to the little Jesus.
What is the origin of Saturnalia festival?
In the Bible, in Genesis 10, we can see the descendants of Noah, among them we find Nimrod (Genesis 11: 8-9). Its name means "rebel". This character will be a mighty one in the earth, ie, the first ruler. It will create the Babylonian religion, and this will be a priest. As we can see, in verse 9 says "He was a mighty hunter before the Lord .." The word "before" can have two meanings, one of which is "before" and the other is "against or first". In this case, the second was used. People regarded as someone who was Nimrod before the Lord. When it dies, it will be his wife Semiramis, commissioned to proclaim that her husband is in heaven and is now a god, the Sun God. She herself will become priestess of this religion, and will also begin to worship her as the "queen of heaven" in the Bible is mentioned in Jeremiah 7: 17-18. Later, they will want to imitate Jesus' birth, as assert Semiramis will have become pregnant without the intervention of any man, which is not true. Begins to proclaim the followers of Nimrod, this is going to be reborn in his son Tammuz. In the Bible it is also mentioned in Jeremiah 44: 16-19. Hence the worship of the mother and child, which spread in many countries. In Egypt Semiramis and Tammuz were known as Isis and Horus, in Greece as Aphrodite and Eros in Asia as Deious and Cibeles and in Rome as Venus and Cupid.
And this is how we see the source of the Saturnalia festival, which clearly worshiped the God Mithra (Nimrod), and will be introduced later in the Catholic Church. Like Mary and Jesus.
In conclusion: 3) Should we celebrate Christmas?
Christmas though had a pagan origin, has spread worldwide and even today, is the time when the birth of Jesus is remembered. A moment in which we should reflect on our lives, and if we really think that Jesus is born in our hearts.
Actually celebrate or not, the end is a personal decision. Whatever the date, December 25 or another day, think seriously, when we will step aside and let Jesus pass.
For that is the true meaning of Christmas.
God give you peace and give you that infinite love that has shown us that we, the day he sacrificed his son Jesus Christ.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Idols, What are exactly?

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today we will see the theme "Idols, What are exactly?" We proceed to explain what is an idol. "Figure or image depicting a supernatural being and that is worshiped and worship like divinity itself." Currently , we can see that many churches have images, whether of saints, martyrs, virgins, which people pray and cross themselves up in front of them. Let's see what the Bible says, the

Leviticus 26: 1: "ye shall not make idols, neither rear you up a carved image or sacred pillar, nor shall stone in your land to bow down to it: for I am the Lord your God."

Exodus 20: 4-5: "Thou shalt not image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.5 not bow down thyself to them, nor serve .. "
As we can see, in the Old Testament and were forbidden to worship idols (images). Let us now in the New Testament:

1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols.

A God does not like the worship of images and
 idol. Remember that he is a jealous God (Exodus 20: 5)

Many believe that these "images" is their God. In Acts 17:29, it leaves us quite clear that it is not, "We must not imagine that the Divine Being is like gold or silver or stone, like something sculptured by the art and contrivance of man" Also we see Isaiah 42: 8 "I will not give my glory to another or my praise to sculptures".

And the truth is that the images and sculptures are matter, created by man. Let me give an example, say you go to church, you approach the statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe, you persignas and then pray asking for your mother has fractured the head, after praying, you stand and you're going when hear a hit, turn around and see that someone has encountered the statue, and this has been dropped puzzling. Tell me, if the single statue, his head can not be fixed, how will you heal your mother?

Idolize, is not only to worship or pray to images or sculptures. It idolizes also devoting time to other things other than God. For example, it is wrong to spend an hour on the Internet, and we dedicate to God, only 15 minutes a day. Do not forget that without God we are nothing.

Another type of idolatry are processions, what are the processions? "March of orderly and people walking solemnly down the street with a ceremonial occasion, especially of the Catholic religion." And this "formal reason" is to worship an image. An example? The Lord of Miracles. I know the story, but should know that despite everything, is still an image. You might say "but that image is God." You're wrong, if that image were God, why then he has left totally prohibited the worship of images? Furthermore, God is spirit (John 4:24) and not matter.

Let's see other verses about "images":

Romans 1:23: "And changed the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles."

Isaiah 40:18: "To whom then will ye liken God, or what likeness will?"
Isaiah 45:20: ". Gather together and come; together, you fugitives of the nations they have no knowledge who carry their wooden idols and pray to gods that can not save."
That's all for today. Do not forget to give time to God every day of their lives, do not know the blessing that will bring to their lives.
God bless you, he loves you.
A final request, pray for the children of Syria, Iraq and all countries in need more than ever the help of Almighty God.
Mary is reported and outside.

How do I get happiness

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "How do I get happiness?". Many people in the world, have the wrong idea about how to find "happiness". Some believe that is in the yoga, others in money, and even women and men. This is a big mistake. 1st place money does not make you happy, how many people have ended their life by suicide and were millionaires.

And this happens because they seek happiness in the wrong place. The same Solomon, the wisest man after Jesus and the history millionaire man says in Ecclesiastes 2:11 "Then I considered all that my hands had done and the labor which I had insisted, and behold all was vanity and striving after wind, and no profit under the sun. "
There was a time when Solomon became separated from God, luckily before he died again. In the passage we saw previously we see how recounts what he felt at not being with God.

The word vanity means "hollow, empty." How many times we have felt empty? Without having a sense in which to live?

God created us to look for it, and give us peace that no one else can give us. "And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, will bring peace into your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:17)

Now, many people say and have Jesus in your heart, and attending church, but in his personal life remain the same as before, maybe worse. They say go to church, and continue with their sin. Many people think they can do both at the same time, I must say that this is not correct, at least if you want to live according to the will of Christ. "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or appreciate the one and despise the other You can not serve God and mammon.." (Matthew 6:24)

As we saw, happiness depends a lot on morale. What is the moral? "Philosophical discipline that studies human behavior in terms of good and evil" .What God says about it?

"So you shall keep His statutes and His commandments which I command you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which the Lord your God gives you forever . " (Deuteronomy 4:40)
You want to do well? Want to succeed? Would you like to find happiness? Obey God. Keep his statutes. And he will prosper.

We must bear fruit, as proof that we have changed. We are no longer the same as before, we now have another moral, another way to see the bad and the good. How result? Have you ever seen a tree with its leaves and fruit? Have you ever wondered what the difference between the leaves and fruit?

Well let me explain. When a tree is growing strong sap begins to sprout leaves, but when you already have too much sap that accumulates on branches, forming the fruit.
The leaves are convictions in our life. We can not bear fruit without convictions. ¿Convictions? Trust God.

That is, when we accept Christ, we are like a tree, we do not understand that a tree stands alone must absorb nutrients from the soil through the roots. So we, Jesus feeds us with his word every day (Matthew 4: 4), the more we feed, the more we grow, we begin to sprout leaves, and when we have more, come off.

What fruits I see in my Christian life? Peace, self-control, love, peace, security in God. I know that nothing is missing. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" (Psalm 23: 1)

Well that's all for today. Remember happiness is in God, not in the world. "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is our strength" (Nehemiah 8:10)

God give you peace, and happiness, not stop praying, which is our greatest weapon in the spiritual world.

Mary is reported and outside.

"The dead"

Hello dear bloggers. Today's theme is "Death". I guess all we've ever asked, what is there after this life? End there die when all hope of new life? Will I ever see my family or loved ones who have departed?
Let's see what the Bible says about it:

1) There is no purgatory, it says in Hebrews 9: 27 "And as it is appointed for men to die once and after this the judgment"

Many believe that the more are their prayers are more likely than their loved ones to be saved and forgiven their sins. So they believe save them from eternal fire. But I must say that once a person dead, there is no chance of being saved, unless you die before accepting Jesus as the only savior.

2) Whatever you do, no one will decide for you, to be saved. You choose, people who love you can pray for you, but you're the one who in the end, kneels, and agree that in this world can not survive without Jesus. Each of us when he dies, will be judged and if your name is not in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:15).

3) We will all be resurrected. As it says in John 5: 28-29 "Do not be amazed at this, because the hour is coming when all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come away Those who have done good they will rise to live, but. those who have done evil will rise to be condemned "

4) 3 deaths, spiritual, physical and eternal.

A) Spiritual Death: The separation of the spirit of the man of God, but temporary. All are spiritually dead at birth, since Adam and Eve disobeyed. Since the sin, died in spirit, we all inherited. But when we accept Christ as Savior, we come back to life. (John 11: 25-26)
 B) Physical Death: The separation of spirit from the body. This happens when we die.
C) Eternal Death: The final separation from God in spirit. This happens when you die physically and spiritually and were dead. Here there is no salvation and eternal damnation.

Really death is a deep subject. That is all for today. I want to say something, do not expect to come hard times to seek God. We must look at the good and bad. What else will (Matthew 6:33).

 Do not let be spiritually dead for long. Ask for forgiveness of their sins that Jesus will be there when we need it (1 John 2: 1), back to life with God. He is worth.
God bless you and return to the path of life.

Mary is reported and outside.

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

The Marriage

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today we will talk about "Marriage". What is marriage?

According to the encyclopedia is the union of two people by

certain rites or legal formalities and is recognized by

and family law.

Many people marry today, increasingly they are younger and inexperienced in life. This is one of many reasons why divorce is given. Many say divorce for the simple reason that "there is no love," or no longer feel full or happy with their marriage.

What does God say? In Matthew 5:32 we find:

"But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for the cause of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery."

What does this mean?

When one separates either for different reasons, and marries another, she is committing adultery. "Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). What God has joined no man put asunder (Matthew 19: 6)
To better understand this issue. see this example:
- Suppose you're married or married to a believer. By constant disagreements and arguments decide to separate. Then about two months, you become married. And you go to church, you ask the blessing Pastor, for your new marriage. But he did not want to give you the, confused or confused you ask why. And respondiéndote tells you: ".. By committing adultery If you want to bless you, first be clean and restore your marriage For sin shall not be blessed"

We must understand that marriage is the union of two steaks in one. You're not you and him or her. Now they are one person. You might say that your marriage does not work anymore, because there is no love maybe, or your husband is a person with vices, or abuses you, and separate you prefer. You can not do that, if you have problems, appeals to God. Pray, read the word, but do not commit adultery, do not separate.

In the Bible, we are found in 1 Corinthians 7: 10-16
"To the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord: A wife must not leave her husband (but if you leave, let her remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband), and that the husband should not divorce his wife. But to the rest say I, not the Lord, If any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him not divorce her. And the woman whose husband is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her and not leave her husband because the husband is not a believer is sanctified through his wife. and the woman who is not a believer is sanctified through her believing husband: else were your children unclean; but now they are saints But if the unbeliever leaves, let him leave;.. in such cases the brother or sister is not required, but God has called us to live in peace Well how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? "
As we have seen, we can separate, but only when it comes from someone who does not believe in God.
Leaving aside the issue of divorce, marriage no rules that God has imposed. Here are some of them:
- "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord; For the husband is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, which is His body, and He is the Savior "(Ephesians 5: 22-23).
Here it refers to the decisions of the family, taking the man. That sounds a little sexist, but I do not make the rules but God, remember that what God does is perfect, you should also have their own reasons, will probably never come to understand, "(Isaiah 55: 9)

- "So husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife, he loves himself. For no one ever he hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church "(Ephesians 5: 28-29).
Husbands, love, their wives, Hold them patience and understanding Treat them as if they were queens. Each time you feel eager to exploit or give, pray. Prayer is a spiritual weapon that has a power that can not imagine. God listens to those seeking heart. (Psalm 145: 18)

Finally, the presence and existence of God in a marriage, will bring blessing. Blessed is the home where God is present in every moment of their lives.

May God bring them peace to their weary souls and bless their homes, that their marriages prevail, and the vote of compliance "till death do us part"

And remember ... God loves them.

Mary is reported and outside.

The Bible and The Hell

ello again, dear bloggers. The theme of the day is "The Bible and Hell".
Do you think there is hell? Where do we go after death? Several wonder this, and the Holy Word gives us the long-awaited answers.

Many believe that Hell does not exist, and if there was anyone would go to this terrible place because God is "so good" to send someone to Hell. And in that case, they are right. God does not send anyone to Hell. You command you alone. Unfortunately there will be no turning back, not a chance. It's over. There is no purgatory, or reincarnation. It says in Hebrews 9:27
"... It is appointed for men to die once and after this the judgment"

Normally Jesus used parables to teach people, using easy to understand and comprehend comparisons. The passage we now observe is not a parable, it's a true story.
In Luke 16, 19- 31 says:

There was a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.
 There was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
 It happened that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died, and was buried.
 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
So far, we can see that there are 2 places where you can go, Abraham's bosom and Hades. But we have something very clear, these places are temporary, until the trial comes. Another fact we can even observe, is that the rich could recognize Abraham, therefore, knew him and knew of him. But by circumstances, it gives the appearance that ignored and mocked God.
Then he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
But Abraham said, Son, remember that you received your good things in your life, and likewise Lazarus evil; but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Here we realize that Hell is a place of eternal fire, and unfortunately there is nothing that can be done. Those who suffered unjustly now be comforted and those who turned a deaf ear to God, they will be tormented.
 Besides all this, a great chasm has been fixed between us and you, so that they which would pass from hence to you can not; neither there to us.
In this part, Abraham Lazarus explains that even though I would like to water, can not cross over to help, let alone their thirst.
 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that you send him to my father's house,
 because I have five brothers, to testify to them, so that they also come into this place of torment.
And Abraham said: Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
And he said, No, father Abraham; but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
Finally, we can analyze that evidence you give to anyone, unless you want to believe it will not. And we can not force anyone, we can only pray for him.

What can we do to not go to Hell?
There are 2 steps. 1st place, repent, turn away from sin and completely stop bad habits completely.
Well says John 3:16

 And finally, believe. Believe there is hope, that Jesus died for you and me, and with their precious blood clears all iniquity that is in us.

God bless you, and take great pride in our hearts, let us remember that we owe everything to him, and without him we are nothing.

God loves you.

Mary is reported and outside.

Time with God

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "Time with God." How many verses you know by heart? Have you given the opportunity to learn at least one per day? God commands us to learn and memorize his word, as we help you succeed in everything we do. (Joshua 1: 8). Most people do not take time to God, as they are engaged in other activities, but God tells us in Matthew 6:33
 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added"

We seek God, and the rest will follow. You probably do not pray, or not seek God as before, because there are problems at home or at work, or in the environment where you unwrap. Many do this, most ignore that in this way only worsen the situation. We seek God, but not just on problems but on a daily basis. 

A clear example is the time to wake up and go to work or school. Before you begin your daily routine, take a moment to pray and ask Jesus to guide your steps and give you strength to begin this new day. Do not forget to thank life for having more than one day, because it is a new opportunity to do things holy and pure way he wants and expects from us.

We should read the Bible every day, it is the word of life. Remember that we are like a battery of 24 hours, we need to be recharged, like a cell. Little by little, we will grow spiritually but only if each day we fill us from the love of Christ. How? Obeying his commands and statutes.

God has many time concepts. It's like spending time with your heavenly Father, do not see it as an obligation or as a punishment but as a privilege and a gift. 

Time with God is talking to him, telling him all your problems and troubles, is reading his holy word, which really is a sensational hand in this world in which we walk as lost. You talk about others, about God, the wonders he has done not only in our lives but about (Psalm 9: 2). The sun, moon, stars, rainbows, waterfalls, animals, gentle breezes, all those wonderful things are the work of our heavenly father.

Well that's all for today. Remember to allow time for Jesus in our lives is paramount. The rest will follow.
May God bless you and give you strength for these difficult times.

Mary is reported and outside.

lunes, 29 de junio de 2015

Dad, I love you

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "Dad, I love you." I will not start here with the typical phrases that are commonly used on this special day. 1st place, thanks dad. Not only my biological father but our heavenly Father. Surely we owe everything. And we should agredecerselo not just today, but every day of our lives.

Many sons and daughters have not spent Father's Day with his father, either because it is no longer in this world or the differences that unfortunately has been among them. I know it is inevitable to feel anger toward someone, but try to throw that horrible feeling of darkness, Let us be filled with light, and love, you only find in Jesus.

Love our parents, despite differences, we are the first to apologize, throwing the pride of our being. Feel lucky to have him on your side, or you still have the opportunity to start again, and this time the right way.

I dedicate a very tender and sincere to all parents in the world greeting, not only to those who have fulfilled their duty to their children (Proverbs 22: 6), but that they realized their mistake, they decided to change.

How proud they must feel those parents can see how their work made in the character of their children. We pray and pray to God every day to be the person he wants to see in us.

Thank God wholeheartedly. God fill you with light and love, not holding a grudge and spread the good that God has established in your hearts.

Before I leave, I leave this verse, Matthew 5: 7 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Ask God, the willpower to turn away from evil every day, and be pure in heart. 

Mary is reported and outside.

God's mandates

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "God commands." In the Bible, we can find several mandates or commandments, consider some of them.
 God gave the people of Israel (when they left Egypt) 10 Commandments. Most of us already know, but we can summarize these two most important.

In Mark 12: 29-31 says:
"Jesus replied:
'The first commandment of all is, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God is one Lord. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength "31 But there is a second:".. Love your neighbor as yourself "No command is more important than these. "
As we all know, we are not perfect, and we as humans will cost enforce orders that God imposes on us. We need the help of Jesus, because for God nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37)

Often we feel resentment toward anyone in particular, but this is just the time when you pray (Matthew 7: 7) and ask God to give you this love that surpasses all understanding (Ephesians 3:19)
How do we love God? Obeying his statutes.

Seek God with all your heart, reading the Bible every day dedicating our time, let us remember that if it were not for him, we would not be here. You reading this, and I writing it.
Many times we forget to thank God, and I truly owe much rather, everything.

God of peace fill your lives, which makes them much needed, and change the end is near.
God bless you.
A final request, pray for all the people of Drama of Somalia, which is currently suffering, whether by war, lack of support, or lack of love of neighbor. Pray and pray to God who is plenteous in mercy and later in anger (Psalm 103: 8), to do something for them.
Mary is reported and outside.
God mandates

Bible Review

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "Opinions about the Bible," although many people have said offensive things about the Bible, there are many who have given their opinion about the Word of God.

Let's see who they were:

Immanuel Kant, German philosopher.

"I have always said and will say that the study of the Bible make better citizens, better fathers and better husbands."

Miguel de Unamuno, Spanish philosopher

"Your word does not die, never die, because he lives. He does not die your word Almighty because it is life itself, and not live life, he gives life."

Thomas Jefferson, American statesman

"It is the Gospel the most precious gift that God could send the world"

Isaac Newton, English scientist

"The Bible is always for me the enormous historical and divine poem, which need to read every night before going to sleep a while for me to get rich beauty and poetry my world of ghosts."

 Gabriela Mistral, Chilean poet, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature

"The Bible is for me," The Book. "I do not see how anyone could live without it."

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian writer

"The majesty of the Scriptures astonishes me; the sanctity of the Gospel speaks to my heart Behold the books of the philosophers with all their pomp.! What are small compared to the Bible Can believe that this book, at the same time as sublime and so wise, is the work of men? "

Thomas Carlyle

"The Bible is the purest deed is registered with humane letters"

George Washintong, 1st president of the United States

"It is impossible to properly govern the world without God's Word."

Montesquieu, French writer

"There is no more sublime philosophy known by the name of Holy Scripture."
Charles Dickens

"The Bible is the best book that has existed and will exist in this world.

Victor Hugo

"England has two books: The Bible and Shakespeare. England made Shakespeare, but the Bible made England "

 Galo Plaza Lasso, President of Ecuador:

"Here is the Bible that I read
every morning to be clothed in patience and Christian virtues. "

Abraham Lincoln

"In dealing in Bible reading, I use my time well. Accept all that you can understand this book through his reason and then take the rest by faith. Doing this will be best man while alive and when the time of his death. I believe the Bible is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Saviour of the world is communicated to us provided in this book and if it were not for him, we would not know the difference between good and evil. Any helpful thing man is contained in the Bible. "
William Herschel
"Every human discovery seems to confirm done so only more and more truths they contain the Holy Scriptures."
Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France
"The Bible is not an ordinary book, but a living creature that has a unique power that conquers all that oppose".
"The Bible will keep you from sin or sin will keep you away from the Bible."
William E. Gladstone
"I have known ninety five great men in my life, of which eighty-seven were followers of the Bible."
Charles Spurgeon
"The more we dig into the Scriptures, the more we seem an inexhaustible mine of truth."
 David Livingstone
"All I am I owe to Jesus Christ, who is revealed to me in his Divine Book"
T. Corrie Boom
"Do not worry about what you do not understand the Bible. Worry about what you understand and do not apply in your life."
Probably more people have talked about the Bible, but that's all for today.
Let us give God a part of our time, he truly worth.
How? Praying, reading the Bible is the word of life. Well John 5:39 says: "Escrudiñad the scriptures because you think that in them is eternal life, and they testify of me."

God of peace fill your hearts and give them blessing.
 By the way ... Thank God.
Mary is reported and outside.

Do not give up fight

Hello dear bloggers. Today's theme is "Do not give up, fight". Recall that for God nothing is impossible, we must pray in difficult times and not give up.
Why we go through difficult times? Because God wants to see your faith. And to prove that you really trust him. But most people collapses to problems, rather than remain calm and say "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear because you are with me Your rod and staff comfort me." (Psalm 23: 4 )
It is frustrating, but we do not doubt that God will not forsake us in no time.
"All I can because Christ strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13)

Well that's all for today. Sorry to be so short, I hope next time be more extensive and profound. Thank God for this day, this blog will be read by all who read this, and because if it were not for you, I would not be here, breathing, and writing this. Blessed be God forever.

Glory be to God.
I leave this song, which God reaches their hearts and never let go of his hand.

Mary is reported and outside.


Oh God, you think that everything you give me,
and here I am sinning nonstop.
I know I've lost
and the way I've come.

With the passing of the days and hours

  my condition worsens,
certainly to be happy,
God you must live.

The world is such a complicated place,
and it is no God beside me,
so I apologize,
and I invite you again to my heart.

Because really Jesus,
I want to fill your light,
and your infinite love.

I am sure that there is nothing better.

Mary is reported and outside.

The Bible is the word of life

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "The Bible is the word of life." Have you ever felt unloved or love? And then you discover Jesus, who always promises love and will never leave you? For me yes that happened to me. It seems that God knows when and when to act. Because of truth, God speaks through His holy word and reaches the heart. The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12: "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and intents of the heart "
Discern the word means "through the intellect distinguish one thing from another or several things including"

That is, when we read the Bible, God teaches us through His word, to distinguish or discern right from wrong. For all the daily aspects that we spent every day, we know our decisions wisely. Remember, that every action brings a consequence, either better or worse.

Here are some details of the Bible, it was the 1st book printed English Printing, and the most translated so far in the world. According to studies, the Bible (until 2008) has been translated into 2454 languages.
 Many people tried to destroy the Bible, but did not succeed, God Himself said in Matthew 24:35: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass."

A clear example is Voltaire. he boasted that in 100 years Christianity would disappear.
Fifty years after his death, the Bible Society of Genoa used the same press and his house, to print and distribute stacks of Bibles in dozens of languages. God is not mocked. We also Ingersoll talented atheist said that the Bible was no longer read in ten years, but he died a long time ago and the Bible remains the world bestseller. The philosopher Hume believed that Christianity would disappear within twenty years. In the same room where Hume breathed his last in Edinburgh, later he held a session of the Bible Society. Paine, the agnostic remarkable, predicted that in five years there would be no one who was able to find a Bible in the United States. Currently million households and almost every hotel room has a Bible.
When Jeremiah received God's revelation concerning the destruction of Judah, the prophet delivered the message to Baruch, who wrote it in a book. That warning was read against Jehoiakim, king of Judah. In response, the president took a knife, cut the roll into pieces and threw it into the fire (Jer. 36: 19-23); But his predictions came true!

I want to conclude today's topic with the following verse Acts 5:39: "..more if God, not overthrow it lest you even be found fighting against God" It is impossible to try to fight God, remember that it is all powerful and nothing compares to it.
One more thing, now they are learning about these important issues for the spiritual life, it would be wonderful that you'll tell not only your family but also to friends, or colleagues about God, you do not know the good it will do to the person to know that there is still hope.
Who knows, maybe God will use as a tool to reach others. In the next verse, Jesus encourages us to Matthew 10:16: "Behold, I send you as sheep among wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves"

God help you in difficult moments and remember: sin is the gulf that separates us from God, and Jesus is the one who brings us back to him. Ask forgiveness of heart and try to be whole in our life.
Mary is reported and outside

God is love

Many times we feel
that we no longer live,
and when that happens
it is because your heart
apparently he does not want and does not yield,
before the truth
that if you want to smile
you must live for God.

You I have a message,
very important.
There is a being
that you will be born again.
He loves you and always will,
if you repent and change now.

Millions of hearts, are lost.
Our duty is to preach
Jesus lives, and be forgiven.

Never stop believing,
something gave us faith.
He will be there,
until the end.
In your sorrows and fortunes,
and always to clear your doubts.

With God, all is posible

Hello again, my dear bloggers. Today's theme is "With God, all things are possible"
Consider this verse:
Everything I can in Christ who fortalece- me Philippians 4:13

Surely we've all been through tough times, whether family, friends, school, college, at work, in order to people around us. But we must never forget that God is there, at all times to support us. Away from God, before the arrival of problems, not the solution. But pray and wait. God knows why they do things. What seems curse becomes a blessing, sometimes, God takes us through trials to test our faith.
What is faith? It is to believe in what you do not see.
God is like the wind, I do not see it but feel it.
Let us not turn away from God in difficulties, let us approach closer to him, and digamoles our greatest concerns.
Matthew 11: 28-30 says:
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will refresh you. My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy and my burden light. "

 Rest in Jesus, we must give our problems.
Let Jesus come into your life, you will find the sense that both sought. God bless you, and give you peace to their hearts.

Mary is reported and outside.

The love of money

Hello again, my dear bloggers. Today's topic is "The love of money". 1st place, money is not bad, but to be ambitious. What is to be ambitious? Money is intensely desired.
As the Bible says in Matthew 6:24 >> "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or one and despise the other. You can not serve God and mammon"
You can not serve God and money at the same time. Either you serve God or money.

To accept God in your heart, you agree to love and follow Him. This means serve him, and consider our only master. Although you may not realize it, people who love money, are depending on this to be happy. In other words, no money you're not happy. And that should not, our mood must depend on Jesus. In good times and bad, keep a smile on his face. Whenever you feel sad, remember this phrase "God loves you so smiling"
 People who are greedy, love so much money, that will pretty much impossible to get it. Not mind hurting people, and if you cross his path, even if his own family. And worst of all is that once you have achieved the desired, not be satisfied with it and want more.
They will never be satisfied, and finally end up destroying themselves.

I'm not saying that the rich are bad, several millionaires give more priority to God than themselves. What does this mean? Let me explain, imagine you have a fortune of around 400 million. And of these 400 million, you invest $ 300 million in God, and stay 100 million for you. God will realize that even if you increased your money, you have not brushed aside. And it will continue to bless.

Then see this passage:

Luke 12:14 21

14 And he said unto him, Man, who made me upon you judge or a divider?
15 And he said unto them, Take heed and beware of covetousness: because life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.
16 And he spake a parable: The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully.
17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have nowhere to store my crops?
18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods;
19 And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink and be merry.
20 But God said to him, Thou fool, this night thy soul; and what you have prepared, whose will they be?
21 So is he who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.
In this passage, Jesus was talking to His disciples, when a man interrupted him.
He had received his share of the inheritance, but not being satisfied that wanted more, asked Jesus to intervene as judge. Jesus could have solved their problem without any problem, but instead they said, "Beware of covetousness." In addition, he told them the parable of the rich fool. Where we implied that we not focus on earthly things. The meaning of life is not to accumulate worldly goods.

 This same teaching is the same for our days, and
including having the money as a god makes people forget God, and this is what happened to this man who wanted to give him his inheritance, because his heart had been trapped by greed, as I wanted to more and more money to enjoy life in the future, but their folly brought damnation to his soul.

 And finally Jesus says, "That happens to all amassing wealth for themselves. They think very rich but actually are poor before God "(Luke 12:21)
Well that's all for today. Remember, do not love money, not serve the money. Somehow, money makes us forget God. Us away from him. And only on your problems, you remember that God exists.

Do not forget, God does not give you back, you can give it. You will loose your hand, you will turn away from him.
God bless you, and bring them back to Jesus, who is the only way to achieve happiness.
Mary is reported and outside

Praising God is like praying twice

Hello again. One way to cheer God is praising. I'm not saying it's wrong to sing other songs, but keep in mind that God is above everything. And it would not be bad, you had a special time for him. Maybe you're new to this, and if so let me help. Today I bring several issues that actually contain truth in his lyrics.

God's not dead- News Boys

How is great our god-Chris Tomlin

The Afters- Lift Me Up

Unfailing Love- Chris Tolmin

Well that's all for today. I hope you liked it. And do not forget to give time to God. Does not seem right, do not look, and just you remember that God exists in your problems.
Time with God, in good times and in bad. It is a lesson we should all learn.
God bless you, and fill your spirit of calm and peace.
Mary is reported and outside.

The truth of Halloween

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "The truth of Halloween" and although we Oct, not do you any harm inform you about this party.
What we now know as Halloween was celebrated 3000 years ago by the Celts. The Celts celebrated the end of the year with Samhain, a pagan festival.
Halloween means "the eve of the dead." The Celts believed that every October 31 of each year, a door between the living and the dead opened, and they went to the world of the living. If found they had left them gifts or food, they would avenge the dead. That is why the habit of leaving gifts to the dead arose.
October 31 is a date associated with the dead, lost souls, witches and spells. These features are due to its proximity to the day of the dead, which caused the Catholic Church and which falls on November 1. The Celts practiced human and animal sacrifices in honor of the god Samhain, lord of death.

Today, there are still people who are part of satanic sects, and celebrate Halloween in the way that the Celts celebrated: human sacrifices. Now maybe you understand why October is the month in which more children disappear and then appear but dead.

Halloween is not the cheerful and happy holiday that many believe to be the truth is that it is a Satanic holiday, and we must not let our kids involved in this. It is not a game, unfortunately many people do not give it the importance it really has.
What does God think about this? Remember that God is our priority and we must abide by what he sends us, you may not understand why, but God always does things for a reason.

Ever, have you ever wondered why dress up in Halloween?

 Well, to answer your question, as I mentioned earlier, the Celts believed that the dead would come to the world of the living. Because of this, demons disguised themselves in animal skins, as well, the dead would not harm them. Over time, that changed and now dress as characters and animals.
Back to the subject, the Bible does not mention exactly to Halloween, but it gives us some guidelines of which can guide us.
  Halloween is represented by ghosts, pumpkins, devils, cobwebs, etc.
Are there ghosts?
Many people believe in ghosts. Several claim to have seen a family now deceased, and other have heard his voice. Well, 1st place, according to the Bible we die once. In Hebrews 9: 2, the Apostle Paul says that "it is appointed for men to die once, and after this the judgment." So no souls out there lurking in your house or in the house Matusita. But that's another story.
When Satan rebelled against God, because I wanted to be more than a third of the angels supported him and expelled him. These are the demons. The word devil means "be smart". They have power, are more powerful than us and attempt to deceive. Perhaps you say, "If there are ghosts, then what was that voice I heard when I saw that relative died?" Or who was it? As I mentioned demons are intelligent. And to answer your question, that voice you heard and what you saw was the work of a demon. They have power to make freak out, and can also mimic a voice perfectly.

  Should we be afraid? No. God is Almighty, the demons fear him, while we are under the protection of God, there is nothing to fear. What is lost is protection? When we let go of the hand of God, when we turn away from him. What separates us from God? The sin. He puts a barrier between you and God. Remember God does not give you back, you can give it. What should I do? Repent and pray. Do not think that there will be no punishment, because man reaps what he sows. But it is no longer as strong as before, but you had repented. If you do not repent you are sinful, filthy before God. To repent is to turn away from evil and return to the path of good.

 Why pumpkins?

The custom of hollowing out and carving a pumpkin to make it a lamp called Jack-o-lantern has its origins in the eighteenth century Irish folklore. By all accounts, Jack was a drinker, a gambler and notorious slacker who spent his days lying under an oak. Legend has it that n one occasion, Satan appeared intending to take him to hell. Jack challenged him to climb the oak, when the devil was in the tree, carved a cross into the trunk to prevent fall. Then Jack made a deal with the devil: he would lose if never again tempt to gambling or drinking.
The story goes that when Jack died he was not allowed into heaven for their sins in life, but could not enter hell because he had tricked the devil. To compensate, the devil gave him an ember to light his way through the icy darkness why I should wander until doomsday. The ember was placed inside a hollowed bucket "called turnip" to burn like a lamp for a long time.
The Irish used turnips used to manufacture their "Jack's lanterns", but when the immigrants came to the United States warned that pumpkins were more plentiful than turnips. For this reason, the custom of carving pumpkins for Halloween and transform them into lanterns introducing a coal or a candle inside emerged. The lantern was not intended to summon evil spirits but keep them away from people and their homes.

Parents who read this. They have no excuse not to celebrate Halloween. Not compromise their children. They are innocent, they do not deserve to hurt them. If you've decided to follow God, there are things you have to change things before you did out of ignorance. But now that you know is wrong, there is no reason to. Do not risk.

Before closing, I want you to observe this passage: 1 Timothy 4: 1: "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and doctrines of devils." Do not let that fool you, is not a harmless Halloween party, there is much more behind costumes and candy.

There is a reason that today God wanted to read this. Hopefully not in vain.

God Bless and Protect of all evil.
Mary is reported and outside.