viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

Time with God

Hello again, dear bloggers. Today's topic is "Time with God." How many verses you know by heart? Have you given the opportunity to learn at least one per day? God commands us to learn and memorize his word, as we help you succeed in everything we do. (Joshua 1: 8). Most people do not take time to God, as they are engaged in other activities, but God tells us in Matthew 6:33
 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added"

We seek God, and the rest will follow. You probably do not pray, or not seek God as before, because there are problems at home or at work, or in the environment where you unwrap. Many do this, most ignore that in this way only worsen the situation. We seek God, but not just on problems but on a daily basis. 

A clear example is the time to wake up and go to work or school. Before you begin your daily routine, take a moment to pray and ask Jesus to guide your steps and give you strength to begin this new day. Do not forget to thank life for having more than one day, because it is a new opportunity to do things holy and pure way he wants and expects from us.

We should read the Bible every day, it is the word of life. Remember that we are like a battery of 24 hours, we need to be recharged, like a cell. Little by little, we will grow spiritually but only if each day we fill us from the love of Christ. How? Obeying his commands and statutes.

God has many time concepts. It's like spending time with your heavenly Father, do not see it as an obligation or as a punishment but as a privilege and a gift. 

Time with God is talking to him, telling him all your problems and troubles, is reading his holy word, which really is a sensational hand in this world in which we walk as lost. You talk about others, about God, the wonders he has done not only in our lives but about (Psalm 9: 2). The sun, moon, stars, rainbows, waterfalls, animals, gentle breezes, all those wonderful things are the work of our heavenly father.

Well that's all for today. Remember to allow time for Jesus in our lives is paramount. The rest will follow.
May God bless you and give you strength for these difficult times.

Mary is reported and outside.

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