viernes, 19 de junio de 2015

Priorities on my life

Hello, again. If you're here again, it must be for a reason, and even if they want to not believe God would bring you back to this blog, because you may have a goal for you.
Today's topic is "Priorities in life", what are priorities? Good goals are as or more important goals in your life, it could be anyone. Many of us, we give priority to many things without realizing it.

For example, the cell, without you know it, you be putting on more important things like your family. Instead of spending time with your loved one, you probably do not see that often, or that child you want to talk to someone who will listen, you spend with your cell phone. And that's just one example.
The fact is that if you decided to follow God and do what His commandments urge us, must be clear that from now on, it has to be your top priority. Who you should put first of all, in everything. Accept God and repent of your sins, he is reborn. Jesus died for you, and now that you have repented's like you were born again, because you're new person.

You no longer think the same way you see the world will be different. And do not think that life with Christ is easy, as you have changed will have to face and fight the current that is the world. Maybe friends you invited to a bar, now will be surprised when you say "no", perhaps even make fun of you, with the typical phrases "do not disturb the saint" or "you have become boring." Your own family, if it is not on track, it will haunt you. Jesus himself said, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace, I have come to set the family dissension have come to set a man at variance against his father and daughter against her mother and the daughter against the mother"

 Perhaps millions of problems are you tipping over, but remember one thing, God is with you.

God never abandons us, we are those who let go of the hand, or who turns his back.

So get ready for what's coming to you, and never forget to trust God.
That's it for today, and remember:
"The life of a Christian is not easy, but life without God is even more difficult"
God bless you, Mary reports and out.

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