Today, many conflicts occur. Why? By greed there is in men, the desire for control, power, always lead men to fight for it. But children, tell me, children, do they deserve to go through what they are currently going on?
Do not just look at the news and have compassion for them. We must do something about it.
Psalm 37: 4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Let's pray. Pray for all of us, for these children, who may not know what is happening in the world. Pray that have a future. Pray, having faith that God is listening, and will not have wasted our prayers.
Always repenting and asking for forgiveness for our sins, striving to not give in to sin, and is proud of us.
Also remember that above all the will of God be done, just as he knew what he was doing when he created the earth, making it perfect,he knows why he does things.
God bless you this Christmas, and give you peace and blessing in their lives. That which is full of infinite love.
Merry Christmas!

Mary is reported and outside.